highly skilled team of draughting individuals
Laser Support Services offer high-quality draughting services using CAD for 2D and 3D drawings. We offer a comprehensive draughting service to assist our customers to draw up their parts. Draughting allows customers the ability to turn an idea into a functional part or product. At Laser Support Services we make use of the Computer-Aided Draughting program better known as CAD to design parts for our customers.
- Better quality designs
- Designs and drawings can be easily saved with the help of CAD to be available for future projects
- Easily available to modify existing drawings so to reproduce faster
- We are able to create a 3D model of your products
- Fewer errors which are more efficient
- Quicker turnaround time
Laser Support Services has a highly experienced team that offers a high-quality service with a fast turnaround.

Contact Details
Address: 46 Alexander Road, Westmead, KZN
Telephone: 031 700 9299 | 031 700 9385
Email: sales@lasersupport.co.za
About Laser Support Services